Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 1 of 100 Days of Weight Loss

OK...time to take this seriously. Went to Perfect Solution Weight Loss and Nutrition Center for a little motivation. I knew I was overweight, but it wasn't that bad, right? Yeah, and the iceberg that sank the Titanic wasn't that big either.

So crap. It is serious. I qualify for lap band surgery and in some clinics gastric bypass. Terrific. I can barely walk, I have recurring asthma and I cannot sleep at all. I went in to spend my gift cards at Chico's and found nothing that fit me. In Chico's. OK, there is a little reality check but it isn't that bad, right? WRONG.

Here are my stats:
Height 5'10"
Weight 232.0
FAT weight 113.2
BMI 33.3
Metabolic age 89

If this wasn't an OMG moment, I do not know what could possible be one.

EIGHTY NINE. I have the metabolic weight of an 89 year old, which is somewhat ironic since at this rate I'll never live to 89!

So. Here we go. No more excuses. No more whining. No more 'it's your fault (to poor husband) for making me move every 20 seconds. That's it. It's done. It's over. I am different. This is not vanity longer I need to lose five pounds so I can squeeze into that dress weight. No, this is serious, medical weight loss.

So, my trainer Donovan put me on a no processed food, high in vegetables and lean meat, low in carbs sugar free (other than fruit sugars) lifestyle change. With it I am supposed to not be as cranky (did you hear that? I think my kids just sent a big YAY!!!! via ESP!), my menopause symptoms will subside, I'll lose weight, have more energy and be generally happier.

Currently, my symptoms are pretty dismal: hot flashes, drastic mood swings (from despair to rage), crying spells, a very short temper, low self confidence, extreme chronic insomnia, blinding headaches, low kidney function and chronic pancreatitis.

Physically, I have no energy and it is taking my breath away to climb the stairs at the townhouse. Here's a real gem...I, um, leak, when I run. I have never, ever, been this out of shape. I am able to squeeze into size 16 S-T-R-E-T-C-H pants but let's face it...I am really a size 18. When Keith and I met I was stretching to fit into my size FOURS!

I'm tired of being tired. I am done with "I can't." I am a very adventuresome person and love to canoe, camp, tube, ski, water ski, swim, etc! There are so many things I 'can't' do because of my weight.

To kick it off today I stopped by the farmer's market and got fresh organic veggies. I just got home from the gym where I had my first REAL workout in a long, long while (not the "yeah, I just did my workout by walking the dogs for 20 minutes, now I get to eat a cookie" workout...nope.) Nick is helping to motivate me. Jackson did the medicine ball with me. I know I can do it. I am different. I feel different!

Oh, I did forget to add that I am also doing acupressure...I
ll let you know how that works out. Right now I am ravenous so I will go have my clean protein and a big salad!

Please wish me luck. I need this change in my life.